The actual sin action is just the symptom of the deeper heart sickness. There is a disease behind the symptom that is far more injurious.
If you sneeze there could be many reasons behind it:
common cold
something more sinister
The sneeze is just the symptom of the underlying condition. The same is true of our sinful behaviors. They are symptoms of the underlying condition of the heart. It is only after careful examination of that symptom that you are able to diagnose the underlying issue.
The good news is that the Great Physician has come to do battle against the underlying issue!
Prayer Focus:
ADORE God for his holiness and grace
CONFESS the sinful behaviors and underlying sinful condition of your heart
THANK God for sending Jesus as the Great Physician to do spiritual heart surgery on you
SUPPLICATE (Beg) God to show you the underlying issues of your heart that cause the sinful behaviors in your life.
SILENTLY Reflect on Psalm 139