…A cord of three strands is not easily broken…
Ecclesiastes 4:12
Just as no one person has all the gifts, no one person should bear the whole responsibility or joy of leadership. Because of this, we follow a shared leadership structure at CityView.
Jason Crandall
Vision and Teaching Pastor
Jason is passionate about teaching the Gospel so it applies to every day life and to see it multiply into disciples and churches. This passion led him to start CityView Church in February of 2014, an intentionally multiplying church. At the end of 2021 CityView had been a part of starting 11 churches!
Jason also serves as the Church Plant Lead for the Send Network SBTC. In this role he helps multiply church planting throughout the state of Texas.
Jason holds a M.A.R. from Liberty University, and a M.Div from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. In 2016, he earned his Doctorate in Leadership from Southern Seminary in Louisville, KY.
Jason is married to Allison and they have three boys: Jason Andrew Jr. (Drew), Blaise Owen, and Judson Lewis. The Crandalls also have a needy corgi named Penny.
Jason is the author of Proliferate, A Church Planting Strategy for Everyday Churches. In Proliferate, Jason shares the story of CityView and its church planting efforts.
Follow Jason on Twitter: @jasoncrandall
Allen Johnson
Operations Pastor
Allen Johnson has been attending CityView since July 2014. He oversees the building and grounds, safety team and the finance team. He is well versed with these responsibilities after having been a service director in the auto business for over 40 years.
He was the class administrator of Bible Study Fellowship for 15 years and is passionate about encouraging others to meet Christ.
He has been married to his lovely bride Kimmee for over a quarter-century now. His son Dustin is a nurse practitioner pursuing his doctorate.
In his spare time, Allen enjoys RVing with Kimmee and the two lovely ladies (Yorkies) Trixie Lyn and Moo moo.
Jaime Rios
Connections Pastor
Jaime Rios is a native Houstonian who gave his life to Jesus at 14. After seeing the impact that a youth pastor had on the people around him, Jaime accepted a calling into ministry and has seen God use him in the lives of young people ever since.
Jaime began learning the ropes of ministry at First Baptist Pearland, where he met and served with Jason Crandall, and was privileged to serve the FBC students for over 9 years. He graduated with a BS of Christian Leadership from the College of Biblical Studies, and is ecstatic to be a part of CityView’s church family. Jaime’s vision is to see the young believers of CityView grow into a passionate force for the gospel.
Jaime is a fierce defender of all Houston sports franchises, with a brief fandom roadtrip giving his college football allegiance to the Texas Longhorns. He is passionate about good worship music, running, and out-dressing the rest of the staff. He loves sharing his life with his wife Megan, twin daughters Maisy and Payton, and baby boy Jacob.
David Morton
Spiritual Formation Pastor
David has been part of CityView since the 2nd week, so he can never call himself an “original member” of CityView. He has a passion for seeing people grow in depth, and for helping people encounter God to walk with Him daily in the ordinary things. If you see him talk, he’ll probably mention Dallas Willard at least once.
In his spare time, he likes to read, go walking, listen to music, go camping with his family, and go out to eat with his wife, Jennifer. He’s a proud member of the Fightin’ Texas Aggie class of 2001, where he has a degree in Psychology. He currently works as a Machine Learning Engineer.
He is married to Jennifer and they have two sons: Jakob and Liam, and are the proud owner of their beautiful dog, Ada. A cat also lives with them, but we don’t talk about the cat.