Plan Your Visit
What is CityView Church all about?
CityView Church cares deeply about you. We invite you to come as you are. Our attire is casual and we’ll be delighted to see you no matter what you believe or what’s in your past. Our vision is to make gospel-centered disciples of Jesus, and to plant 100 churches in the Houston area in our first 25 years.
When Do you meet?
Sundays at 10am.
Where do you meet?
CityView meets for worship at: 6301 Broadway Pearland, TX 77581.
What about the Kids?
We provide programming from birth through 6th grade. You can count on CityView’s Children’s Ministry to teach the Gospel and to do it with grace and kindness at every age. When you arrive one of our hospitality volunteers will help you get to checked into our systems. Visit our Children’s Ministry page here.
How long is the service?
Typically a service will last 60-65 minutes and includes worship, teaching and prayer. Check out our current series.
Planning on Visiting or have Additional questions?
Feel free to contact us here.